Factors Determining Your Food Dumbwaiters Installation Cost

Factors Determining Your Food Dumbwaiters Installation Cost

If you are planning to install a food dumbwaiter, the first thing that you need to consider is your budget. You must know how much money you are willing to spend on this project and then come up with a budget plan. After that, you can start looking for a company which can do this task for your business. So, the cost of installing a Food Dumbwaiter depends on various factors such as:

Rerouting electrical lines

The electrical lines need to be rerouted if you want to install a dumbwaiter in your kitchen. This is because the dumbwaiter will use an existing circuit, and this can cause disruptions in power supply. The rerouting of electrical lines will require an electrician, so it will add to the cost of installing a food dumbwaiter.

Moving plumbing fixtures

You will need to move plumbing fixtures such as sinks and faucets when installing a food dumbwaiter. This requires some skill on the part of your contractor, but it also increases their fee for installing a food dumbwaiter.

Shaft installation

The shaft has to be installed before you can install a food dumbwaiter. It may not seem like much work but it involves digging up dirt and concrete and pouring new concrete around the shaft area where it will be placed. You will also have to ensure that there is enough space for all these underground installations because if there isn’t enough space then you may have trouble fitting everything together correctly which could result in having to dig up more dirt or concrete.

Exterior work finishes

The walls and ceiling around the area where you want to install a food dumbwaiter must be finished with drywall, which is installed over studs or joists that run perpendicular to the floor. For example, if you want to install a dumbwaiter from your second-story office into your first-story kitchen, then the office has to have drywall on all four sides as well as on top of its floor. The ceiling above that office also needs drywall installed so that there is no gap between it and the bottom of the shaft when it is installed.

Drywall and paint for the area

The cost of installing drywall and painting for the area where you install your food dumbwaiter can vary depending on the size of your kitchen. For example, if you only need to install one section of a wall with drywall and paint then it won't cost much at all compared to installing all four walls with drywall and paint around your entire kitchen! One thing you must know is that drywall is usually painted after installation because it looks better and hides imperfections better than unfinished wood or plaster. The cost of paint varies depending on what type and color you choose, but expect it to add $100-$200 to your overall price tag per room.

Access door installation

This is one of the most important factors when it comes to determining your food dumbwaiter installation cost. If you want to install a dumbwaiter in an existing building, then you will have to get the access doors installed first before installing your system. This can be quite expensive because it involves changing the structure of your building.

Door height

The height of your door will also determine how much money you spend on installing your dumbwaiter system at home or in your office building. You need to decide how tall you want your door to be before deciding on a design for it. The more space between floors, the higher your door needs to be so as not block any part of the floor below or above it with its bulkiness when closed.


Food Dumbwaiters share a lot of features with standard dumbwaiters. However, it is different in some aspects, thus the installation and maintenance needs to be performed by a specialized team. Thus, you need to be clear about all the above factors. They'll help you in knowing about the installation cost of a food dumbwaiter for your restaurant, hotel and kitchen.